SVL places great importance on transparent corporate governance processes and believes that companies of the future must make decisions and take actions based on their impact to society and the environment. In an increasingly open, diverse and inclusive world, SVL believes companies that do not prioritize their employees will ultimately fail and that it is a collective best interest to learn about and address the needs of their loyal and hard-working employees. We believe a transparent and structured approach to corporate governance is a prerequisite to achieving ESG/SDG goals.
What we do

Zero Harassment Policies
SVL guarantees a work environment free from all forms of harassment for our employees, helping them perform and achieve their best for the company, which in turn generates exceptional customer satisfaction rates for our logistics and delivery businesses.
But we want to go one step further and educate our customers at a corporate level on how prioritising employees can bring about success. Policies that help employees feel empowered, valued and loved will promote and embed success within the organization — and our customers now recognise this.
We consult with our customers on what problems their organizations are facing, what kind of policies may have the most impact, and how to implement them.

Paternity Leave for All – Parental Leave for All!
SVL is an equal opportunities employer committed to providing equality in opportunity to our diverse workforce and ensure discrimination in all forms has no place at work. Moreover, we go above and beyond to promote this way of thinking to our own customers to help encourage them to understand how equal opportunity workforces can gain a competitive edge via increased productivity and efficiencies that can be achieved by a fulfilled and motivated workforce.
For example, we believe in providing full paternity leave for male employees — and encouraging them to take it. We not only believe this is their right, but crucial in keeping new fathers motivated and productive in their roles.

- Paternity Leave for All
- Sick Leave, Childcare Policies, Parental Leave, Care Leave, Sabbaticals
- Diversity training for corporations
- Harassment Risk Consulting
Director Training (BDTI Educational Programs)
SVL aims to be the standard bearer for promoting corporate governance as a central and vital component to the effective running of organisations in the future, for them to achieve their goals — no where is our influence more important than at the director level.
We support and are aligned with The Board Director Training Institute (BDTI) of Japan, in that we encourage director, governance and compliance training for our own management and our customers’ executives, as we continually learn about more effective corporate governance, and the role that ESG and SDGs can play in embedding efficiency within organisations.