Here at SVL, we’re proud to be busily integrating new Scania trucks into our fleet.
Read about our journey on Scania’s site!
This global transport solutions provider has a track record of innovation and, with its goal to shift towards sustainable transport, we believe this Swedish firm fundamentally aligns with our own core values of working towards a sustainable future.
In November 2023, Scania launched their Scania SUPER in Japan, equipped with a newly developed powertrain purported to deliver 8% savings in fuel efficiency — a phenomenal statistic when considering the scale impact of cost savings this could bring to a firm’s bottom line, and the potential to reduce emissions that affect our environment as a result.

Their new engine innovations help achieve a brake thermal efficiency (BTE) of 50%, far higher than the 30-40% typically witnessed in heavy-duty trucks.
Furthermore, touting a new Smart Dash system providing improved support and warning systems, the new truck will be better equipped with new digital tools that will lead to improved operation and support.
Thanks to improved fuel efficiency and a safe, comfortable driving environment, Scania Japan believes their Scania SUPER will help tackle the 2024 problem looming for the Japanese logistics industry.
As we have discussed in the past, the Work Style Reform Act will bring in overtime caps on drivers that will see rising transportation costs and an expected driver shortage.
As Alain Soudan, CEO of Scania Japan states, they expect the SUPER will help counter the effects of this reform in 4 ways. Along with the technical leap in fuel efficiency offered by their innovations in the engine and how it interacts with the gearbox and rear axle, the tools offered by the My Scania digital ecosystem—as well as a new driver application—will help offer additional ways to optimise fuel efficiency. Lastly, innovations within the cabin will help ensure a more safer and more comfortable working environment — helping to change the image of truck driving and attract more people to the industry. It’s a similar story with our own truck cabin optimisations to help appeal more to female drivers and make us a more diverse organization.

As well as joining the Scania Japan team in Tokyo to celebrate their new launch in Japan, we also took the truck out onto the roads around Lake Chuzenji (Chuzenjiko), near Nikko in Tochigi prefecture, to get some special shots amidst Japan’s autumnal foliage in late 2023.